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Amity Global Business School (AGBS) employs a semester system that complies with the latest international norms and procedures. In addition to facilitating more relevant term papers and research tasks, this encourages increased interaction between instructors and students.
The examination and assessment schedule aids in determining the progress made by students. AGBS students are evaluated regularly to make sure they continue to grow. Class tests, quizzes, vivas, case discussions, presentations, and analyses, as well as homework, projects, seminars, term papers, and attendance, are all part of the evaluation process.
The level of a student’s academic performance as per the aggregate of continuous evaluation and end term examination is reflected by Letter Grades on a Ten Point Scale, associated with quantified hierarchy and has qualitative meaning. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) & Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated based on the student's performance in Semester(s) and overall, respectively. Students need to maintain a minimum SGPA & CGPA to pass a semester/ be promoted to the next semester to qualify for a Degree.
Attendance in all lectures, tutorials, practical, and seminars scheduled for the semester must be attained 100% by AGBS students. However, 25% relaxation is allowed in an emergency. A student's progress, discipline, and academic performance are guaranteed by the criteria of 100% attendance.
The comprehensive course curriculum is evaluated regularly following industry standards. Numerous factors like student employability, feedback on placements, recent advancements, and legislative compliances are assessed. The first step is for an expert committee to review and prepare the course syllabus. After reviewing it, the Board of Studies sends it to the Academic Council for approval.
The mentor-mentee concept at AGBS involves a structured relationship between a more experienced and knowledgeable individual (the mentor) and a less experienced individual (the mentee), to foster personal and professional development. This concept has numerous benefits for both parties involved.
Our campus is committed to maintain a ragging-free environment. We prioritise the well-being of every student, fostering a culture of respect, inclusion, and camaraderie. Strict anti-ragging policies are enforced, and proactive measures are taken to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. We believe in nurturing a positive campus experience, ensuring students focus on their studies and personal growth without harassment or intimidation. There are several anti-ragging measures in place to ensure strict compliance.